109k with 7 runs
8 weeks & 1 day until Boston Marathon
Monday – Easy 11k
Tuesday – Easy 14k
Wednesday – Moderate 16k (Hill Run Tallaght)
Thursday – Easy 7k
Friday – Easy 13k
Saturday – Easy 12k
Sunday – Easy 36k
Very solid week for me that ended with a good long run today. Went out for 1 hour on my own along the Liffey and then teamed up with Shane for additional 2 hours in the Phoenix Park. I’m feeling comfortable in the long runs these days. Felt relaxed during the complete session.
The overall fitness seems to be good and the weekly Hill run session proofed it for me. This week I ran solid up and downhill. It gives me confidence in my form leading up to Boston.
I’m looking forward to next weekend when i travel to Rome for one of Italy’s biggest half marathons – Roma Ostia. I haven’t made a plan for the race yet. The course should be fast as far as I can see on the profile. Surprisingly nobody ever ran under the hour on the course. Doesn’t really mean it is that fast.
Quote of the week: Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble (John Treacy)