It’s the fecking weather again.
After all the snow and ice is gone Ireland awaits the next temperature shock. Phrases like “Bitterly cold overnight”, “Very cold wintry weather”, “ice by day and by night” and “Snow showers” in the weather forecast frighten me. The end of the cold white tunnel was so close, now it starts again. And we are just at the middle of december. Tough times ahead.
Lucky enough the Charleville Park Hotel, where im staying during the week, has a good gym. I was never a big fan of treadmill’s but this has changed. Those things give me a new training approach and a new piece of running freedom – Watching live football while running.
The usual 45 minutes run can easily progress into a 15 minute tempo run followed by a 45 minutes jog. Time is flying by for me on the endless road.
Handy enough all core work, stretches and weights can be done easily afterwards. Again another period of my training life. But i can see the boredom on the horizont. Running needs to be outside. For the moment i watch other people running outside – while running.